Şah Tekstil, we produce the - Kristal Tulle
- Stiff Grek Tulle
- Stretch Tulle
- Grek Tulle
- Hayal Life Tulle
- Voile Tulle
highest quality products for you.
- Kristal Tulle
- Stiff Grek Tulle
- Stretch Tulle
- Grek Tulle
- Hayal Life Tulle
- Voile Tulle
Şah Tekstil began to operate as an apparel manufacturing factory at the beginning of 2000s and gained its place in the textile market. After operating in this field until 2010, it changed its field of activity and switched to the field of fabric dying and chemical finishing. It has been manufacturing varieties of fabrics with KARL MAYER RASCHEL machines since 2013. It made customer service and satisfaction its principle.
Şah Tekstil
Take our place among the leading fabric manufacturers in Turkey’s fabric.
To continuously and effectively increase the value we add to our customers, employees, our country and the environment with our efficiency, dynamic structure and organizational efficiency.
ŞAH TEKSTİL defines its corporate values to be followed by all its employees while determining its strategies to follow in order to realize its vision and mission. These values, which are indispensable for ŞAH TEKSTİL employees at all levels, are also their lifestyle.
With 100% domestic capital- Kristal Tulle
- Stiff Grek Tulle
- Stretch Tulle
- Grek Tulle
- Hayal Life Tulle
- Voile Tulle
We produce our product in Turkey.
- Kristal Tulle
- Stiff Grek Tulle
- Stretch Tulle
- Grek Tulle
- Hayal Life Tulle
- Voile Tulle
We export to all over the world...
Şah Tekstil
Happy Customers
I have been working happily with your company for 10 years, your products are really high quality.
I have been working happily with your company for 10 years, your products are really high quality.